Who doesn't crave the golden perfection of a baked potato with crispy skin and a fluffy interior? While the traditional oven has long been the go-to for achieving this culinary delight, enter the air fryer - a game-changer in the world of crispy perfection.

Scroll ahead to learn how to make perfectly crispy baked potatoes in an air fryer and why this modern kitchen appliance is the secret weapon you need.

How To Choose the Right Potatoes

Before we embark on our journey to crispy potato greatness, let's talk spuds. Not all potatoes are created equal when it comes to air frying. Russet potatoes are the unsung heroes in this culinary adventure, boasting a starchy interior that transforms into fluffy perfection during the cooking process. Aim for medium-sized potatoes with a uniform shape to ensure even cooking. And don't forget the importance of proper storage - keeping them in a cool, dark place ensures they're ready for their moment in the air fryer spotlight.

How To Prepare Baked Potatoes To Cook

Preparing Baked Potatoes in Air Fryer

Now that you've selected your perfect potatoes, it's time to prep them for their crispy transformation. A crucial first step is giving them a good wash to remove any dirt. Once cleaned, pat them dry to ensure a crispy exterior. Next up, the seasoning - the key to elevating your baked potatoes from good to exceptional. Whether you're a classic salt and pepper enthusiast or a fan of garlic and herbs, make sure to coat your potatoes evenly for a flavor-packed bite.

How To Cook Baked Potatoes in Air Fryer

With your spuds seasoned and ready, it's time to let the air fryer work its magic. Preheat your air fryer to around 400°F (200°C), the sweet spot for achieving that crispy exterior. Cooking times can vary based on the size and thickness of your potatoes, but a general guideline is 30-40 minutes. Remember, patience is a virtue, and the reward is worth the wait. To avoid any culinary mishaps, check the doneness by inserting a fork or knife into the potato - if it slides in easily, you're on the path to perfection.

How To Serve

Now that your air fryer has bestowed upon you the gift of perfectly crispy baked potatoes, it's time to get creative with toppings. Classic butter and sour cream are always winners, but why stop there? Consider loading your potatoes with cheese, bacon, chives, or even a dollop of Greek yogurt for a healthier twist. The possibilities are endless, so don't be afraid to experiment and find your signature topping combination.

Baked Potatoes served and garnished with delicious topping

However, even the air fryer can't save you from potential pitfalls. Avoid the common mistake of overcrowding the fryer basket, which can result in uneven cooking. Also, resist the temptation to skimp on preheating - a properly preheated air fryer is essential for achieving that perfect crisp.


Making perfectly crispy baked potatoes in an air fryer is an achievable feat that will elevate your culinary prowess. From choosing the right potatoes to experimenting with creative toppings, the air fryer opens up a world of possibilities for potato enthusiasts. So, preheat that air fryer, grab your favorite spuds, and embark on a crispy journey that will leave your taste buds rejoicing.